COPA VIP Gold is available exclusively to COPA members.
Coverages available under this plan include:
All Risk In Flight and Not In Motion (Ground) Hull
This coverage applies to any physical loss to your aircraft occurring while the aircraft is in flight, on the ground, moored, not-in-motion and while it is being transported by another vehicle provided the aircraft is not being operated under its own power or by the momentum generated by its power. This applies to both fixed-wing and rotary aircraft.
Third-Party Liability
This important coverage protects aircraft owners for damage that their aircraft do to third party property or bodily injury to individuals who are not passengers in the insured aircraft. It does not provide coverage for passengers injured on the insured aircraft. Transport Canada mandates that any person operating an aircraft in Canada carry third party liability.
Passenger Liability
This coverage applies to any legal action brought against the Insured by passengers for which you are liable to pay for bodily injury. This coverage can be purchased as a sub-limit of the Third Party Liability or under a Combined Single Limit (CSL) that includes Passengers.
Combined Single Limit (CSL)
CSL coverage combines third party liability and passenger liability coverage into a single coverage with a single overall limit per accident.
Additional Features
- Non Owned
- Liability & Non Owned Physical Damage Liability
- Contingent Employers Liability
- Premises Liability
- Personal Property inside the Aircraft
- Spares/Hangar Contents
- Disappearing deductibles
Other Useful Facts
Various additional coverages can be endorsed on to the Gold Policy including:
- Student Pilot Endorsements
- Work In Progress
- Competitive Aerobatics
- And So Much More
Let’s Get Started
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